Ben, bene: a root word meaning good or well (source, Webster)

  • benediction -- the invocation of a blessing
  • benefactor -- a kindly helper
  • beneficent -- 1. doing good or causing good to be done, 2. kindly in action
  • benefit -- anything that is helpful or for the good
  • benevolent -- desiring to do good to others

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Road To Recovery is Long

It has been some time since we provided an update on Ben's progress, so it is time to make amends. Each day, Ben has been able to accomplish more than the day before. It seems like it was only a short time ago that we were cheering the fact that Ben could sit up unsupported for 15 seconds. Now with the aid of a walker and support of the rehab staff, he has been able to walk up and down the halls of the hospital and today he climbed some stair steps. His three hour rehabilitation sessions leave him very tired, but he is pleased and proud of his progress. Today one of his tasks was to stir up and bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies (a first for Ben even before he went into the hospital). I have been told that they were good, but I wouldn't know as they were all gone when I arrived for a visit.

While Ben's journey to recovery is a long one, this trip is making him a better person. I am reminded of a quote attributed to Victor Frankl, "We can discover this meaning in life in three different ways: (1) by doing a deed; (2) by experiencing a value; and (3) by suffering ." Ben has been able to do all of these things in the past few weeks and has broadened his understanding of how meaningful life can be.

Once again we express our thanks to all who have and are continuing to support Ben.

Ben's Dad

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