Ben, bene: a root word meaning good or well (source, Webster)

  • benediction -- the invocation of a blessing
  • benefactor -- a kindly helper
  • beneficent -- 1. doing good or causing good to be done, 2. kindly in action
  • benefit -- anything that is helpful or for the good
  • benevolent -- desiring to do good to others

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rising to the occasion

Ben looked spiffy in a tuxedo today -- yes, a tuxedo! Not your typical hospital garb, of course, but then Ben got to leave the hospital briefly to attend our brother Jeff's wedding. Where's a picture, you ask? Well, Ben's big sister (me) failed to wrangle her kids and the camera at the same time, so we'll have to wait for some of the official wedding shots to show how good Ben looked. Trust me, he did.

Knowing the deep friendship these two brothers share, I'm certain that one of Jeff's best wedding gifts was having Ben there. Ben was in a wheel chair but stood when the audience rose to honor bride Madison as she walked down the aisle. I was impressed! He also stood for a few of the group pictures and ate a little with our family.

He was quiet and subdued most of the time and was exhausted after his three-hour tour . . . but he was there!! It was the icing on the cake. I heard Ben repeatedly tell aunts, uncles, cousins and friends, "It was good to see you," and I know that wasn't merely small talk. He means it.

So a double congratulations is in order: to Jeff and Madison for their marriage and start of a great life together, and to Ben for his own commitment, through hard work and a good attitude, to make a better life. I love you all.


Citizen Dylan said...

Big congratulations to both Ben and Jeff!

dori said...

Hi Ben! It so extraordinary to see you getting so well! We are all praying that you still have good spirits - we miss your smiles and the energy you bring. Keep up the wonderful work!!!
