Ben, bene: a root word meaning good or well (source, Webster)

  • benediction -- the invocation of a blessing
  • benefactor -- a kindly helper
  • beneficent -- 1. doing good or causing good to be done, 2. kindly in action
  • benefit -- anything that is helpful or for the good
  • benevolent -- desiring to do good to others

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Graduation (from) gowns

Ben is out of the hospital! He left the rehabilitation wing at Salt Lake Regional medical center on Friday, Sept. 5, and is now staying with our parents. Sure, it's a little hard for any grown-up to go back under the family roof, but I know Mom will take great care of him. Careful attention will be de rigeur, hospital gowns and IV needles will not. Thank you for your willingness, Mom.

This development is huge. I think the term "discharge" is interesting as it relates to Ben's leaving the hospital. His body systems -- respiratory, renal, etc. -- are healed to the point that full-time medical care is no longer needed. So he's removed from the hospital, but sent forth with the charge to keep getting better. Ben's attitude has been critical all along in his role of getting better, of course, but no more so than now. How well he improves is up to him.

Ben will continue physical therapy, with workers scheduled to come to his home. A particular focus will be muscle strength. He's experienced some trembling in his right leg when standing. But I know he can keep fighting. Go Ben!

Ben in his tux

Thank you to Aunt Susan for providing this photo from the wedding Aug. 30. Here's Ben with brother Josh standing behind him, and brother-in-law Jeff and nephew Samuel in the background. Doesn't Ben look great?